谁的风险最大? 热点在哪里??

每个运动员都有被欺负的危险. 然而,一些运动员比其他人的风险更高. 使用卡方分析, we determined at a confidence level of 99% the athletes most at risk of being hazed to join a team. 他们是:

  • 男性
  • 非希腊语
  • 游泳或潜水
  • 足球运动员
  • 长曲棍球运动员
  • 在东部或南部
  • 在一个乡村校园里
  • 在住宿校园
  • 在一个有联谊会制度的校园里
  • 在一个没有反欺侮法的州

已经学会了, 在一般情况下, 哪些运动员最容易被欺负, 然后我们按运动员类别分析了风险. 结果是:


Earlier in this report, we divided initiation behaviors into four groups based on severity. Below we describe which athletes were most at risk at each level of severity.


Athletes most at risk of being subjected to unacceptable initiation activities, 不考虑酒精的影响, 是:

  • 男人
  • 游泳运动员、潜水员、足球运动员或水球运动员
  • 南部或中西部院校的学生


最有可能成为酒精相关入会成员的运动员, 但其他不可接受的入会活动除外, 是:

  • 女性 (6)
  • 长曲棍球运动员
  • 东方或西方院校的学生


运动员最有可能受到质疑, 但并非不可接受, 发起活动有:

  • 足球运动员
  • 在南部或西部校园的学生


Athletes most likely to be involved in only acceptable initiation 是:

  • 女性
  • 希腊组织的成员
  • 田径队、击剑队或网球队的队员
  • 中西部或西部城市通勤校园的学生

Different profiles emerge as we look closer at athletes who are involved in alcohol-related initiations, 特别是在招聘参观和饮酒比赛中, 不管他们是否参与其他类型的行为.



  • 一级奖学金运动员
  • 游泳、跳水、长曲棍球、足球或足球队的成员
  • students at rural, residential campuses in eastern states without anti-hazing laws

There were clear differences in the way 男人 and 女性 initiate new members onto an athletic team.

Wo男人 were more likely than 男人 to be involved in acceptable initiation activities: participating in preseason practice, 采取宣誓, 保持较高的GPA, 做志愿者工作, 完成绳索课程, dressing up for team functions and participating in other team-building activities. The ropes course (a professionally designed outdoors challenge course) or team trip demonstrates the biggest contrast: 43 percent of the 女性 as opposed to 29 percent of the 男人.

Wo男人 were as likely or nearly as likely to participate in some initiation activities as 男人, 如下表所示.

发起的活动 男性 (n) (n) 总计 (n)
参加与运动无关的健美操 14% 125 11% 127 13% 253
与特定的人交往,而不是其他人 12% 101 11% 124 11% 226
在球场外充当球员的私人仆人 10% 85 8% 95 9% 181
剥夺自己的食物、睡眠或卫生 7% 56 8% 85 7% 141
食用极其辛辣/恶心的混合物 8% 69 5% 60 6% 129
参加饮酒比赛 35% 302 34% 387 35% 693
打恶作剧电话或骚扰他人 12% 105 8% 91 10% 197
性行为的从事或模拟性行为的 7% 64 5% 52 6% 116

For other activities, there are clear differences between 男人 and 女性. Men are consistently more likely than 女性 to be subjected to any one of the questionable or unacceptable activities, 除了穿着尴尬的衣服. 男性明显比女性更容易被呵斥, 被诅咒的, 或者作为入会仪式的一部分.

Wo男人 were much less likely than 男人 to be subjected to unacceptable acts: destroying or stealing property, 殴打他人, 被捆绑或用胶带捆住的, 被限制在狭小的地方, 被打, 殴打, 被绑架、运送和遗弃.

发起的活动 男性877 女1142 总计2027
穿着尴尬的衣服 22% 33% 29%
被叫喊、诅咒或咒骂 38% 25% 31%
在招聘视察时饮酒 42% 39% 42%
参加饮酒比赛 35% 34% 35%
毁坏或偷窃财物 11% 5% 7%
被捆住的被捆住、用胶带捆住或限制在狭小空间里的 8% 3% 5%
被鞭打,鞭打,殴打,踢打,殴打他人 5% 1% 3%

运动:游泳或跳水和长曲棍球, 足球, 足球, hockey and water polo players were significantly more likely to be subjected to a greater number of questionable and unacceptable initiation activities than any other athletes.

Football is the only sport that had a relatively low response rate among athletes. Football players who did respond reported higher levels of hazing behavior for other college groups than for their own collegiate athletic team. 仍然, 足球运动员 were more likely to be involved with most of the unacceptable initiation activities and the questionable activities, 但不是与酒精有关的活动.

Overall, athletes in track, fencing, and golf were significantly less likely to be hazed. 除了, 越野, 篮球, 划船, and tennis were significantly less involved with alcohol and other unacceptable activities.

按运动项目和参加活动分列的学生运动员百分比 (PDF格式-将需要 adobeacrobatreader 阅读).

NCAA Div. %窘迫 总人口百分比
我司 41 42
第二部 22 21
第三部门 37 37

Greek and other campus organizations: Although this study does not focus on Greek initiation rites, each athlete was asked if he or she was a member of a Greek organization and if there was a Greek system on campus. 根据报告的行为, this study found that non-Greek athletes were most at risk for athletic hazing. This study also found that Greek athletes were significantly more likely than non-Greeks to report they had participated in acceptable initiation rites exclusively. 然而, the presence of a Greek system on campus was highly correlated with questionable and unacceptable initiations among collegiate athletes.

将运动员欺侮与其他群体欺侮进行比较, we relied upon respondents who identified themselves as hazing victims, which is a very small group compared to those who were involved in hazing behavior. Further study is needed to clarify the prevalence of hazing among members of various student groups for various collegiate organizations.

调查显示,一些学生受到不止一个群体的欺负. Athletes were asked: 1) if they had ever been hazed for collegiate athletics and 2) if they had ever been hazed for another group. Twenty percent of student athletes reported that they were hazed in college, of whom:

  • 12%的人表示,队友曾欺负过他们
  • 12%的人报告说,非体育团体的成员欺负过他们
  • 4 percent reported that both teammates and members of non-athletic groups hazed them

Athletes reported being hazed by teammates as often as they reported being hazed by fraternities, 姐妹会或其他团体. 所以,尽管它受到的关注要少得多, hazing to join college teams may be just as prevalent as hazing is to join other organizations, 包括兄弟会和姐妹会.

Coaches and administrators ages 20 - 39 were more likely than any other group of respondents to report being hazed to join an athletic team, whereas coaches and administrators ages 40 and older were more likely to report having been hazed by another group. Whether this suggests a long-term trend in hazing behavior is a subject for further study.

Geographic Variations:Alcohol-related hazing was most common on eastern, rural, residential campuses. Athletes involved in only acceptable initiation activities were found to be primarily from midwestern and western, 城市, 通勤校园. 仍然, the unacceptable activities were more prevalent on southern or midwestern campuses and the questionable activities were more likely to occur on southern or western campuses.

(6)而参与欺侮活动的女性总体上较少, 如果女性确实参与了欺侮, 更有可能与酒精有关.